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. 2019 Jul 30;14(8):1213–1227. doi: 10.2215/CJN.00050119

Table 1.

Included studies showing cohort size and characteristics, indices developed, and validated predictive window and performance

Study, Year Index Length Discrimination Calibration Validation Type Source of Cohort Cohorta Mortality
Number (Female) Age (SD)
Barrett et al., 1997 (55) Foley 6 mo NR NR N/A Canadian academic medical centers HD (62%) and PD patients 822 (40.9%) 58.3 (15.4) 13.7%
Beddhu et al., 2002 (26) CCI (Beddhu) 2 yr NR NR Internal US academic medical center PD patients 97 (58%) 53 (14) 21.6%
Chandna et al., 1999 (61) Kahn-Wright 1 yr 0.70 (NR) NR N/A UK dialysis unit HD (NR) and PD patients 292 (34%) 61.3 (15.8) 44%
Cheung et al., 2014 (23) nCI-Liu 6 mo 0.62/0.65b NR N/A USRDS HD patients 44,109 (46%) 77.2 (6.5) 23.3%
REIN 0.63/0.66b
HEC 0.65/0.68b
Cho et al., 2017 (27) CCI Avg f/u 47.1 mo 0.82 NR Internal Korean health insurance database PD patients 7606 (43.6%)a 54.5 (13.8) 39.5%
mCCI-IPD 0.82 664 (40.1%) 48.4 (14.1) 12.3%
mCCI-IHD 0.82 24,738 (40.5%) 57.9 (NR)
Couchoud et al., 2009 (33) REIN 6 mo 0.70 Observed versus predicted H-L P=93 Internal and external French ERSD all-comers Renal Epidemiology and Information Network HD (NR) and PD patients 2500 (39.6%)a 80.9 (4.1) 19%
REIN 3 mo 0.74 1642 (40.5%) 81.1 (4.1)
REIN 12 mo 0.68
Couchoud et al., 2015 (37) Updated REIN 3 mo 0.76 NR Internal French dialysis centers REIN HD (NR) and PD patients 12,500 (39.6%)a NR 10.5%
3 mo 0.75 11,848 (NR) NR
3 mo 0.79 2490 (NR) NR
Davies et al., 2002 (34) Davies 2 yr NR NR External UK dialysis center Stoke PD study PD patients 303 (NR) 58.8 (NR) 35%
Kahn-Wright 5 yr
Di Iorio et al., 2004 (28) CCI (Di Iorio) 15 mo NR NR Internal Italian dialysis centers HD patients 515 (38.6%) 63.2 (15.4) 14.6%
Doi et al., 2015 (43) Doi 1 yr 0.83 Observed versus predicted Internal Japanese dialysis centers HD patients 688 (33.4%) 69 (NR) 9%
Fernandez Lucas et al., 2007 (38) ACPI 3 yr 0.75 NR External Spanish dialysis center HD (80%) and PD patients 304 (37%) 64 (15) 31%
CCI 0.76
CCI-H 0.71
Floege et al., 2015 (45) AROii 3 mo 0.71 Observed versus predicted 1-yr R2= 0.94-yr R2= 0.98 Internal Development: AROii study population Validation: DOPPS III study population HD patients 9277 (40.2%)a 64.4 (14.7) 17.6%
AROii 1 yr Range 0.75–0.76 4247 (NR) NR
AROii 2 yr Range 0.73–0.75
Kahn-Wright 2 yr 0.66
nCI-Liu 2 yr 0.60
Foley et al., 1994 (39) Foley 6 mo 0.90 Observed versus predicted histogram External Canadian hospital HD patients 325a(35%) 55 (NR) 22.4%
Fried et al., 2001 (35) CCI 3 yr NR NR External existing index US dialysis centers PD patients 268 (35.1%) 56.0 (14.6) 20.5%
Fried et al., 2003 (36) CCI N/A NR NR External existing indices US dialysis centers PD patients 415 (37.8%) 55.9 (14.8) NR
Karnofsky scale
Geddes et al., 2006 (44) RBM 1 yr NR Observed versus expected bar graph Internal European dialysis centers ERA-EDTA Registry HD (86%) and PD patients 1139a (42.3%) 63.4 (13.5) 12.8%
CCI-H 5 yr 1171 (39.8%) 60.4 (15.5) 27.3%
Gomez et al., 2015 (62) CCI 6.5 yr 0.61 NR Internal and external existing indices Canadian academic medical center HD (78%) and PD patients 771 (38%) 62.6 (15.1) 40.3%
CCI-H 0.62
Hemmelgarn et al., 2003 (29) CCI-H 2 yr 0.73 NR Internal and external modification of a validated scale subsequently validated in several studies Canadian dialysis centers HD (77%) and HD patients 237 (36.7%)a 62.5 (15.2) 23.6%
CCI 0.72
Inaguma et al., 2017 (46) Barthel NR NR NR External existing Index Japanese dialysis centers Aichi Cohort Study of the Prognosis in Patients Newly Initiated into Dialysis cohort HD patients 1496 (32.3%) 67.4 (13.0) 17.5%
Ivory et al., 2017 (63) Ivory 6 mo 0.75 H-L P=21.9 calibration curve Internal and in separate cohort Australian and New Zealand dialysis centers Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry; modality not reported 23,658 (40.1%)a 60.6 (14.9) 6.1%
Ivory 0.71 32,664 (NR)
Ivory 0.76 5518 (NR)
REIN 0.70 H-L P=15.6 5518 (NR)
Wagner 0.69 H-L P=6.1 5518 (NR)
Wagner 0.73 H-L P=29.5 32,664(NR)
Kan et al., 2013 (42) nCI-Liu 10 yr 0.91 NR Internal and external Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database HD (96%) and HD patients 21,043 (55.6%) NR 55.3%
CCI 0.90
Khan et al., 1993 (31) Kahn-Wright 2 yr NR NR External modification of a validated scale subsequently validated in several studies UK dialysis centers HD (NR) and PD patients 375 (42.9%) 53.9 (18) 35%
Khan et al., 1998 (64) Kahn-Wright 2 yr NR NR External existing index UK dialysis centers HD (NR) and PD patients 1407 (40%) 55.6 (15.7) NR
Lee et al., 2017 (65) Multidimensional frailty core Avg f/u 18 mo NR NR External existing index Korean dialysis center HD patients 46 (37%) 71.5 (NR)
Lopez Revuelta et al., 2004 (66) SF-36 PCS 2 yr NR NR External existing indices Spanish hospitals HD (80%) and PD patients 318 (39.6%) 60.2 (14.6) 25%
SF– 36 MCS
Karnofsky scale
Ma et al., 2018 (67) CCI 3 yr NR NR External existing indices Chinese dialysis unit PD patients 461 (47%) 57.7 (13.7) 49.9%
Marinovich et al., 2010 (68) New index 1 yr 0.74 NR New index not validated, external validation existing indices Argentinian dialysis centers National Registry of the Instituto Centro Unico Cordinator de Ablación e Implante de Organos HD patients 5360 (33.8%) 58.9 (15.5) 20.4%
CCI 0.70
ACPI 0.68
Kahn-Wright 0.67
CCI-H 0.63
Mauri et al., 2008 (40) RMRC 1 yr 0.78 Observed versus predicted H-L P=49 Internal and external Spanish dialysis centers Catalan Renal Registry HD patients 3445 (37.8%)a 64.6 (14.4) 16.5%
2283 (NR)
Nicolucci et al., 1992 (69) ICED 1,2 and 5 yr 0.594 External existing index Italian dialysis center HD (61%) and PD patients 255 (43.5%) 54 (NR)c 16%, 27% and 49% at 1, 2 and 5y
Obi et al., 2018 (49) Obi low GFR 3,6,9 and 12 mo 0.71 Observed versus predicted Internal and in separate cohorts Development: US Veterans Affairs dialysis cohort; Validation: US health system; Data from USRDS HD (94%) and PD patients 15,142 (2%)a 69.4 (11.1) 20.0%
7463 (1.9%) 68 (11)
Obi high GFR 0.66 8888 (1%)a 72 (10) 39.8%
4385 (1%) 72 (10)
Obi low GFR men only 0.77 1872 (0%) 64 (13)
Obi low GFR women only 0.74 1491 (100%) 65 (15)
Obi high GFR men only 0.71 570 (0%) 66 (13)
Obi high GFR women only 0.67 351 (100%) 65 (14)
Otero-López et al., 2012 (70) RMRC score 1 yr 0.59 Observed versus predicted External existing indices Spanish hospital HD (89%) and PD patients 63 (40%) 80.4 (3.9) 20.6%
REIN 6 mo 0. 68 NR 27%
Peeters et al., 2016 (30) Abbreviated REIN 3 mo 0.74 NR Internal modified existing index Belgian dialysis centers Neederlandstalige Vereniging voor Nefrologie HD (87%) and PD patients 2679 (43.3%) 67.6 (14.3) 19.6%
6 mo 0.74
12 mo 0.74
Postorino et al., 2007 (50) NYHA Avg f/u 41 mo 0.74 NR Existing indices Italian dialysis centers Calabrian Registry of Uremia, Dialysis, and Transplantation HD (82%) and PD patients 1322 (41.6%) 60.8 (NR) 41.7%
Kahn-Wright 0.69
Thamer et al., 2015 (47) Thamer, Simple 6 mo 0.72 NR Internal USRDS HD (96%) and PD patients 52,796 (46.2%)a 76.9 (6.5) 20.3%
REIN 0.68 16,645 (46.9%) 76.8 (NR)
Wagner 0.73
Van Manen et al., 2002 (71) New Index 2 yr 0.72 NR Internal Dutch dialysis centers HD (61%) and PD patients 616 (39%) 59.3 (15.1) 25%
Kahn-Wright 0.73
Davis 0.74 589 (40%) 59.1 (15.8)
CCI 0.72
Wick et al., 2017 (48) Wick 6 mo NR H-L P=2 Internal Canadian dialysis centers Northern and Southern Alberta Renal Program registries HD (85%) and PD patients 2199 (39.2%) 75.2 (6.5) 17.1%

NR, not reported; N/A, Not applicable; HD, Hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis; CCI, Charlson comorbidity index; nCI, new comorbidity index; USRDS, US Renal Data System; REIN, Renal Epidemiology and Information Network; HEC, hospice eligibility criteria; Avg f/u, Average follow up; mCCI-IPD, Modified Charlson comorbidity index - Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis; mCCI-IHD, Modified Charlson comorbidity index - Intermittent Hemodialysis; H-L, Hosmer–Lemeshow; ACPI, age-comorbidity prognostic index; CCI-H, Charlson comorbidity index Hemmelgarn modification; AROii, Analyzing data, Recognizing excellence, and Optimizing outcomes; DOPPS, Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study; SF-36, Short Form 36; MCS, mental component score; RBM, Rule-Based Model; ERA-EDTA, European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association; PCS, physical component score; RMRC, Registre de Malalts Renals de Catalunya; ICED, Index of Coexisting Disease; NYHA, New York Heart Association; ESRD-SI, End-Stage Renal Disease Severity Index; RDSS, Renal Disease Severity Score.


Training/development cohort.


Adjusted for age.


Median age.