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. 2019 Aug 5;17:136. doi: 10.1186/s12955-019-1205-y

Table 1.

Summary of respondent characteristics, comparison of estimation and validation datasets

All baseline data Estimation dataset Validation dataset Differencea
Mean SD Observations Mean SD Observations Mean SD Observations t statistic p value
 FSS 43.73 15.10 1054 43.44 15.16 787 44.60 14.91 267 −1.085 0.278
 EQ-5D 0.596 0.295 1346 0.600 0.291 1005 0.584 0.309 341 0.831 0.406
 SF-6D 0.646 0.130 632 0.650 0.135 473 0.636 0.113 159 1.141 0.254
 MSIS-8D 0.646 0.185 690 0.647 0.190 523 0.641 0.172 167 0.412 0.681
 Age 50.67 11.68 1400 50.74 11.73 1048 50.45 11.54 352 0.402 0.688
 Duration (years) 9.62 10.01 1347 9.61 10.00 1009 9.68 10.09 338 −0.113 0.910
 EDSS score 4.30 2.31 289 4.32 2.34 218 4.22 2.24 71 0.324 0.746
Percentage Observations Percentage Observations Percentage Observations chi2 statistic p value
 Female 73.86% 1040 74.62% 788 71.59% 252 1.256 0.262
 Male 26.14% 368 25.38% 268 28.41% 100
MS type
 Relapsing remitting 41.97% 572 42.66% 439 39.82% 133 7.572 0.109
 Primary progressive 19.37% 264 18.56% 191 21.86% 73
 Secondary progressive 16.95% 231 17.69% 182 14.67% 49
 Benign 3.3% 45 3.69% 38 2.10% 7
 DK or combination 18.42% 251 17.40% 179 21.56% 72
 Missing 45 27 18
Recent relapseb
 Yes 53.55% 732 53.42% 546 53.91% 186 0.025 0.988
 No 33.28% 455 33.37% 341 33.04% 114
 Don’t know 13.17% 180 13.21% 135 13.04% 45
 Missing 41 34 7

SD standard deviation, FSS Fatigue Severity Scale, EQ-5D EuroQoL EQ-5D-3L, SF-6D Short-Form 6D, MSIS-8D Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale – Eight Dimensions, EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scale, DK don’t know

aDifference between estimation and validation datasets

bRelapse in the 12 months prior to completing the baseline questionnaire

nb response numbers are lower for the SF-6D and the MSIS-8D as only version 2 of these questionnaires were included