Figure 2.
Distinct cytokine signaling requirements for generation of TCR−CD8+ cells in the thymus and appearance in the periphery of E2ΔISP and E2ΔDP mice. (A) Impact of SOCS1Tg expression on frequencies of TCRβ−CD8+CD4− thymocytes in multiple E2ΔISP and E2ΔDP mice displayed as a bar graph. (B) TCRβ expression on peripheral CD8+ LN cells from E2ΔISP and E2ΔDP mice. Numbers in the histograms indicate frequency of TCRβ−CD8+ T cells. (C) Impact of SOCS1Tg expression on frequency of TCRβ−CD8+ peripheral LN cells in E2ΔISP and E2ΔDP mice displayed as a bar graph. Mean ± SEM are shown. ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001; ns, not significant (P > 0.05) determined by Student’s t test. Data are from 3–12 experiments with 4–7 mice per group (A; mean ± SEM) or 4–10 mice per group (B and C; mean ± SEM).