Figure 6. ML277 enhances currents of KCNQ1 channels but does not change VSD activation.
(A) Fluorescence signals showing voltage sensor activation of pseudo-WT KCNQ1 channel (KCNQ1-C214A/G219C/C331A) before (black) and after (blue) adding 1 µM ML277. The signals after applying ML277 were normalized to the peak from the control to correct the effects of photobleaching. Scale bars are for the fluorescence signals before ML277 application. Inset shows current traces of pseudo-WT KCNQ1 channel before (black) and after (blue) adding ML277 at +40 mV. Right panels show VCF results of pseudo-WT KCNQ1 channel before (black) and after (blue) adding ML277 recorded at −60 mV, 0 mV, and 60 mV. (B) Fluorescence-voltage (F–V, n = 4) and G–V (n = 3) relationships of pseudo-WT KCNQ1 before (black) and after (blue) adding ML277. (C) A cartoon scheme to illustrate that ML277 specifically enhances E-M coupling when the VSD is at the activated state.