Adjusted percentage difference (95% CI) in plasma PCB concentrations by a) age (percentage difference for a 5 year increase) and b) body mass index (percentage difference for a 5 kg/m2 increase). Results are adjusted for age, marital status, education, income, smoking history, alcohol use, BMI, parity, lactation, birth order, breastfed as an infant, intakes of fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy, and occupation. DL-PCBs=dioxin-like PCBs; HOND-PCBs=hepta, octa=, nona-, deca-substituted PCBs; PCB-4=PCBs 105, 118, 138/158, 180; PCB>50=PCBs with >50% detection in cohort; PH-PCBs=penta, hexa-substituted PCBs; TT-PCBs=tri, tetra-substituted PCBs; WG1B=Wolff group 1B PCBs; WG2A=Wolff group 2A PCBs; WG2B=Wolff group 2B PCBs; WG3=Wolff group 3 PCBs