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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 May 8;67(8):1737–1749. doi: 10.1111/jgs.15959

Table 4:

Study Outcomes of Randomized Controlled Trials (n=17)

Study Intervention Control Primary Outcomes Video Contact Time Main Findings
Burns57 Speech pathology care delivered by TMed Standard, in-person speech pathology care Cost, number, session length, efficiency; service Telepractice sessions weekly; appointments as needed (1 hour each) Significant reduction in number (p = 0.004) and duration (p = 0.024) of contact events required to manage cases by telepractice
Burton84 Cognitive rehabilitation using TMed Face-to-face care Goal performance (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure) Videoconferencing 1x/week Lower rates of session completion among telehealth group may suggest lack of feasibility or acceptance. No statistical testing reported.
Comin-Colet58 Telemonitoring with video-conferencing Face-to-face encounters Non-fatal heart failure events NR Significant decrease in non-fatal HF events (p<0.001) with lower readmission rates (p=0.007), among telehealth group
De Luca80 Telemonitoring. Neurological / psychological video-counseling Standard in-home nursing care Psychological well-being; MMSE, ADL, IADL, GDS, BANSS, BPRS, EUROQoL Video-counseling 1x per week Significant differences only reported within telehealth group, T0 to T1: GDS (p<0.01), BPRS (p=.04), heart rate (p=.02), SAP (p<0.001), DAP (p=0.03)
Dichmann Sorknaes52 Video consults one week post-discharge Usual follow-up care Total # of hospital readmissions Teleconsulations daily for 1 week No difference in # of hospital re-admissions (p=0.62)
Dy53 Standard care with TMed Standard home nursing care Diabetes care; HbA1c point-of-care glucose, Weekly or biweekly teleconsulations SNF nurses reported TMed were a good use of their time; skills were effective for consult delivery . No statistical testing reported.
Gandolfi85 Home-based Virtual Reality balance training In-clinic sensory integration balance training Gait and balance; Berg Balance Scale Tele-rehab session 3x/week (50 minutes each) Improved BBS scores for telerehab group (p = 0.04); significant Time × Group Interactions in Dynamic Gait Index for in-clinic (p = 0.04)
Homma59 Lifestyle, health reports delivered by videophone Printed document reports Health status, body mass index, steps/day satisfaction;SBP/DBP, cholesterol Monthly videophone sessions (15–20 minutes each) Similar degrees of health status improvement & satisfaction levels (not significant)
Hong86 Tele-exercise program with one-on-one remote instruction Maintenance of usual lifestyle Sarcopenia-related factors of health; total and AMM, chair sit-and-reach length, 2-min step, chair stand Tele-exercise sessions 3x per week (20–40 min each) Improved lower-limb muscle mass (p=0.017), AMM (p=0.032), total muscle mass (p=0.033), chair sit-and-reach length (p=0.019)
Hong69 Exercise by TMed Nutrition, exercise education, activity and nutrition monitoring Fall-related risk factors Tele-exercise sessions 3x/week (20–40 min each) Greater improvement in chair stand test (p<0.001), Berg Balance Scale (p=0.02)
Ishani71 Case management & care TMed Usual kidney disease care All-cause mortality, emergency department visits, nursing home admits At least 1 video visit, with more as needed for acute care concerns No significant difference between groups for any component of the primary outcome
Jelecic87 Lexical tasks to enhance semantic verbal processing by Skype Unstructured cognitive stimulation Global cognitive performance; lexical-semantic; semantically-related or unrelated episodic verbal memory One hour each morning Improvements in global cognitive domain (p=0.001); non-inferior to in-person
Orlandoni88 Nutritional assessment delivered by TMed Standard home-visits with nutritional assessment Incidence of metabolic and GI complications secondary to home enteral nutrition At least 1 monthly video consultation (< 10 minutes on average) Significantly lower incidence of metabolic and GI complications among video consultation group (both p<0.001); no significant difference in hospital admission rate
aTakahashi89 Hospice care with TMed Usual end-of-life care # of hospital and emergency room visits NR No difference in hospitalizations, ER visits; mortality in telemonitoring higher compared to usual care (p=0.008)
bTrief54 TMed for diabetic coaching (in Spanish if needed) Usual diabetic care Adherence to diabetes management; HbA1c, Diabetes Self-Care Activities scale Tele-visits every 4–6 weeks Self-reported adherence improved for intervention compared to control (p<0.001)
Tsai70 Group-based telerehabilitation program Usual care without exercise training Endurance exercise capacity (ESWT) Telerehab sessions 3x per week (1 hour each) Improvement in ESWT (p<0.001)
Vahia55 Neurocognitive testing using TMed In-person neurocognitive testing Various Neurocognitive tests 1 test session per modality, administered 2 weeks apart No differences in cognitive scores (p=0.280)

Abbreviations: ADL - Activities of Daily Living; AMM – appendicular muscle mass; BANSS - Bedford Alzheimer Nursing Severity scale; BBS – berg balance scale; BPRS - Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; DBP – diastolic blood pressure; DGI – Dynamic gait index; ER – emergency room; ESWT - endurance shuttle walk test; EUROQoL - standardized instrument as a measure of health outcomes and quality of life; GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale; HbA1c – hemoglobin A1c; HF – heart failure; HR - heart rate; IADL - Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale; IT – information technology; MMSE - Mini Mental State Examination; NR – not reported; PD – parkinson’s disease; QoL - quality of life; SBP – systolic blood pressure; SNF – skilled nursing facility; TMed - telemedicine


This paper is a upondary analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial89


This paper is a secondary analysis of a previously published randomized controlled trial90