Table 4:
Study Outcomes of Randomized Controlled Trials (n=17)
Study | Intervention | Control | Primary Outcomes | Video Contact Time | Main Findings |
Burns57 | Speech pathology care delivered by TMed | Standard, in-person speech pathology care | Cost, number, session length, efficiency; service | Telepractice sessions weekly; appointments as needed (1 hour each) | Significant reduction in number (p = 0.004) and duration (p = 0.024) of contact events required to manage cases by telepractice |
Burton84 | Cognitive rehabilitation using TMed | Face-to-face care | Goal performance (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure) | Videoconferencing 1x/week | Lower rates of session completion among telehealth group may suggest lack of feasibility or acceptance. No statistical testing reported. |
Comin-Colet58 | Telemonitoring with video-conferencing | Face-to-face encounters | Non-fatal heart failure events | NR | Significant decrease in non-fatal HF events (p<0.001) with lower readmission rates (p=0.007), among telehealth group |
De Luca80 | Telemonitoring. Neurological / psychological video-counseling | Standard in-home nursing care | Psychological well-being; MMSE, ADL, IADL, GDS, BANSS, BPRS, EUROQoL | Video-counseling 1x per week | Significant differences only reported within telehealth group, T0 to T1: GDS (p<0.01), BPRS (p=.04), heart rate (p=.02), SAP (p<0.001), DAP (p=0.03) |
Dichmann Sorknaes52 | Video consults one week post-discharge | Usual follow-up care | Total # of hospital readmissions | Teleconsulations daily for 1 week | No difference in # of hospital re-admissions (p=0.62) |
Dy53 | Standard care with TMed | Standard home nursing care | Diabetes care; HbA1c point-of-care glucose, | Weekly or biweekly teleconsulations | SNF nurses reported TMed were a good use of their time; skills were effective for consult delivery . No statistical testing reported. |
Gandolfi85 | Home-based Virtual Reality balance training | In-clinic sensory integration balance training | Gait and balance; Berg Balance Scale | Tele-rehab session 3x/week (50 minutes each) | Improved BBS scores for telerehab group (p = 0.04); significant Time × Group Interactions in Dynamic Gait Index for in-clinic (p = 0.04) |
Homma59 | Lifestyle, health reports delivered by videophone | Printed document reports | Health status, body mass index, steps/day satisfaction;SBP/DBP, cholesterol | Monthly videophone sessions (15–20 minutes each) | Similar degrees of health status improvement & satisfaction levels (not significant) |
Hong86 | Tele-exercise program with one-on-one remote instruction | Maintenance of usual lifestyle | Sarcopenia-related factors of health; total and AMM, chair sit-and-reach length, 2-min step, chair stand | Tele-exercise sessions 3x per week (20–40 min each) | Improved lower-limb muscle mass (p=0.017), AMM (p=0.032), total muscle mass (p=0.033), chair sit-and-reach length (p=0.019) |
Hong69 | Exercise by TMed | Nutrition, exercise education, activity and nutrition monitoring | Fall-related risk factors | Tele-exercise sessions 3x/week (20–40 min each) | Greater improvement in chair stand test (p<0.001), Berg Balance Scale (p=0.02) |
Ishani71 | Case management & care TMed | Usual kidney disease care | All-cause mortality, emergency department visits, nursing home admits | At least 1 video visit, with more as needed for acute care concerns | No significant difference between groups for any component of the primary outcome |
Jelecic87 | Lexical tasks to enhance semantic verbal processing by Skype | Unstructured cognitive stimulation | Global cognitive performance; lexical-semantic; semantically-related or unrelated episodic verbal memory | One hour each morning | Improvements in global cognitive domain (p=0.001); non-inferior to in-person |
Orlandoni88 | Nutritional assessment delivered by TMed | Standard home-visits with nutritional assessment | Incidence of metabolic and GI complications secondary to home enteral nutrition | At least 1 monthly video consultation (< 10 minutes on average) | Significantly lower incidence of metabolic and GI complications among video consultation group (both p<0.001); no significant difference in hospital admission rate |
aTakahashi89 | Hospice care with TMed | Usual end-of-life care | # of hospital and emergency room visits | NR | No difference in hospitalizations, ER visits; mortality in telemonitoring higher compared to usual care (p=0.008) |
bTrief54 | TMed for diabetic coaching (in Spanish if needed) | Usual diabetic care | Adherence to diabetes management; HbA1c, Diabetes Self-Care Activities scale | Tele-visits every 4–6 weeks | Self-reported adherence improved for intervention compared to control (p<0.001) |
Tsai70 | Group-based telerehabilitation program | Usual care without exercise training | Endurance exercise capacity (ESWT) | Telerehab sessions 3x per week (1 hour each) | Improvement in ESWT (p<0.001) |
Vahia55 | Neurocognitive testing using TMed | In-person neurocognitive testing | Various Neurocognitive tests | 1 test session per modality, administered 2 weeks apart | No differences in cognitive scores (p=0.280) |
Abbreviations: ADL - Activities of Daily Living; AMM – appendicular muscle mass; BANSS - Bedford Alzheimer Nursing Severity scale; BBS – berg balance scale; BPRS - Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; DBP – diastolic blood pressure; DGI – Dynamic gait index; ER – emergency room; ESWT - endurance shuttle walk test; EUROQoL - standardized instrument as a measure of health outcomes and quality of life; GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale; HbA1c – hemoglobin A1c; HF – heart failure; HR - heart rate; IADL - Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale; IT – information technology; MMSE - Mini Mental State Examination; NR – not reported; PD – parkinson’s disease; QoL - quality of life; SBP – systolic blood pressure; SNF – skilled nursing facility; TMed - telemedicine
This paper is a upondary analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial89
This paper is a secondary analysis of a previously published randomized controlled trial90