Figure 5.
Patterns of climatic niche shift for Leucanthemum vulgare based on principal component analysis in different introduced regions (a) Southern America (b) Asia (c) Oceania (d) Australia (e) Northern America and (f) Africa, when compared with the native region (Europe). The first two axes of each PCA represent the density of species occurrences and the environmental space. Solid and dashed lines indicate 100% and 90% of all the available (analogous and non-analogous) environments. The blue colour represents the niche overlap between native and introduced region; the green colour a combination niche unfilling (in case of intersecting (analogous)) environments and abandonment (in case of non-intersecting (non analogous)) environments and the red colour a combination of niche expansion (in case of intersecting (analogous)) environments and pioneering (in case of non-intersecting (non- analogous)) environments. The red arrow indicates the change in the niche centroid between native and introduced range. The correlation circles represent the variable importance along the first two principle axes. Figure was created in R v3.4.340 (