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. 2019 Aug 6;14:266. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-3100-1

Table 1.

Electrochemical performance of the GP10C electrode compared with other recently reported results in the literature

Material Method Specific capacitance Scan rate/current density Electrolyte Ref.
rGO/PANI/rGO paper Vacuum filtration 55 Fg−1 1 Ag−1 1 M H2SO4 [20]
rGO paper Vacuum filtration 80 Fg−1 0.5 Ag−1 6 M KOH [21]
rGO paper Vacuum filtration 130 Fg−1 0.1 Ag−1 6 M KOH [22]
rGO/Fe2O3 paper Vacuum filtration 178 Fcm−1 1 mVs−1 3 M KOH [23]
Graphene/MnO2 paper Vacuum filtration 217 Fg−1 0.1 Ag−1 1 M Na2SO4 [26]
P-rGO paper Self- assembled on Cu foil 100 Fg−1 100 mVs−1 1 M H2SO4 [63]
MnO2 NW/CNT paper Vacuum filtration 167.5 Fg−1 0.077 Ag−1 0.1 M Na2SO4 [64]
Graphene/CNT paper Vacuum filtration 126 Fg−1 1 Ag−1 6 M KOH [65]
rGO/CB paper Vacuum filtration 95.5 Fg−1 5 mVs−1 1 M H2SO4 [66]
GP10C film Self-assembled plus reduction 200 Fg−1 0.25 Ag−1 2 M KOH In this work