Comparison of the GEVI and GECI sensor kinetic properties. Experimentally measured ArcLight values for different depolarizing steps are compared with published and personally communicated values for the GECIs GCaMP3 and GCaMP6f. GCaMP3 and GCaMP6f are considerably slower in their onset response to calcium changes (B) than ArcLight is to membrane potential changes. (A) ArcLight onset (red) and offset (pink) time constants in response to different depolarizing steps from –70 mV in HEK293 cells. (B) The GCaMP3 (green line), and GCaMP6f (blue line) onset time constants in response to different calcium steps (Kim et al., personal communication). (C–E) Normalized impulse responses for ArcLight (C), GCaMP3 (D), and GCaMP6f (E) to physiologically relevant steps of voltage and calcium. The GCaMP offset rates in panels (D,E) are shown as dashed lines to indicate the possibility that they could be sensitive to the magnitude of the calcium change. Modified from Storace et al. (2015).