Odor-evoked in vivo recordings of the GEVI voltage indicator ArcLight from tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expressing olfactory bulb juxtaglomerular interneurons. (A) Histology of cells expressing ArcLight. (B) Activity maps evoked by three different odorants at three concentrations. Maps are from an average of 2–4 individual trials that were aligned to the onset of the signal, and were generated by subtracting the ∼0.5–1 s during the odor stimulus from the 2 s prior to the stimulus onset. The images were sharpened using high-pass Gaussian filter with a kernel size of 61 × 61 pixels. Activity maps are scaled to the minimum and maximum values evoked by the highest odor concentration. The maximum ΔF/F value for each odor is included in the bottom right of the highest odor concentration map. (C) Fluorescence time courses from the 11 glomeruli identified in the middle concentration methyl valerate image in panel (B). The trials are aligned to the onset of the response. (D) Normalized response amplitude vs. odor concentration for populations of glomeruli measured from 3 different preparations. TH-ArcLight measurements are from 5 different odorant trials across three preparations. Input and output measurements (red and black lines) are adapted from Storace and Cohen (2017). ∗∗p < 0.01 and *p < 0.05.