Fig. 4.
MICA/anti-MICA antibody immune complex restores NK cell killing in vitro. a C1R-MICA*002 cell killing was assessed by co-culturing C1R-MICA*002 cell line with primary NK cells. The NK cells were pretreated with MICA-ECD alone, MICA-ECD plus anti-MICA/B clones, 6E1 (MICA α3-specific) or 5E10 (MICA α1α2-specific) or 7G10 (MICA α1α2-specific) as preformed MICA-immune complexes, or no treatment. NK cell killing of parental C1R cell line was used for comparison. Each data point represents average of 2 technical replicates with error bar representing SEM, and the dataset is a representative of 3 independent experiments with p values generated from unpaired t test. b The binding of NKG2D Fc fusion protein to MICA on C1R-MICA*002 cell line was conducted in the presence of increasing amount of isotype antibody mIgG1, anti-MICA/B clone 5E10 or 7G10. The normalized MFI (%) of NKG2D-Fc fusion protein binding is shown, each data point represents average of 2 technical replicates with error bar representing SEM, and the dataset is a representative of 2 independent experiments. *p > = 0.05; **p < 0.05