(A). TgFBXO1HA-expressing parasites were fixed and stained to detect IMC3, TgFBXO1, and DNA during G1, S, and M phases. Arrows highlight TgFBXO1 apical structures. (B). TgFBXO1HA-expressing parasites were fixed and stained to detect ISP1, TgFBXO1, and DNA during S, early M (before nuclear segregation), and late M (during nuclear segregation) phases. Arrows highlight TgFBXO1 apical structures. Bars = 2μm. (C). TOP: Fractionation scheme to characterize TgFBXO1HA association with the IMC. BOTTOM: Western blotting of equivalent volumes of each indicated fraction. Blots were probed with antibodies to detect TgFBXO1 (α-HA), IMC3 (αIMC3), and ISP1 (αISP1).