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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Aug 6.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Metab. 2019 Jul 3:S1550-4131(19)30311-0. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.06.008


Rabbit polyclonal anti-LAMP2 ThermoFisher Cat# PA1–655 RRID:AB_2134625
Mouse anti-rabbit monoclonal IgG-HRP Santa Cruz Biotech Cat# sc-2357 RRID:AB_2714189
Rabbit polyclonal anti-MEF2A ThermoFisher Cat# PA5–27380 RRID:AB_2544856
Chemicals, Peptides, Metabolites and Recombinant Proteins
[5,5,5-2H3] leucine tracer Sigma Aldrich Cat#486825–1G
Liquid meal Ensure, Abbott Laboratories N/A
L-Norleucine, ≥98% (TLC) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# N6877
2-Mercaptoethanol Sigma-Aldrich Cat# M6250
4X Laemmli Sample Buffer Bio-Rad Cat# 1610747
MSD-Tris lysis buffer Mesoscale Discovery Cat# R60TX-3
Halt™ Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100X) ThermoFisher Cat# 78430
Ponceau S Fisher Scientific Cat# BP103–10
REVERT total protein stain LiCOR Cat# 926–11011
RNALater ThermoFisher Cat# AM7020
HPLC-grade acetonitrile ThermoFisher Cat#A955–500
HPLC-grade methanol ThermoFisher on Cat#A456–500
HPLC-grade water ThermoFisher Cat#W64
MS-grade formic acid Sigma-Aldrich Cat#399388
Calibration solution Agilent Technologies Cat#G1969–85000
N-acetyl Aspartic acid-2H3 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#616060
Tryptophan-15N2 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#574600
Sarcosine-2H3 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#493120
Glutamic acid-2H5 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#616281
Thymine-2H4 Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 487066
Gibberellic acid Sigma-Aldrich Cat# G7645
Trans-Zeatine Sigma-Aldrich Cat# Z0876
Anthranilic acid 15N Cambridge isotopes Cat#NLM-3294
Testosterone-2H3 Sigma-Aldrich Cat# T2655
Jasmonic acid Sigma-Aldrich Cat# J2500
Critical Commercial Assays
Insulin Detection Assay Siemens Cat# LKIN1
CAF ELISA kit Neurotune Cat# NT1001
RNeasy Plus Universal Mini Kit QIAGEN Cat# 73404
TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix ThermoFisher Cat# 4304437
SuperScript VILO Master Mix ThermoFisher Cat# 11755250
Bradford Assay, Bio-Rad Assay Dye Bio-Rad Cat#5000006
NanoString nCounter Customized Gene Expression Assay NanoString Technologies N/A
Pierce™ Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit ThermoFisher Cat# A53225
Taqman FAM Probe MEF2A ThermoFisher Hs01050406_g1
Taqman FAM Probe CKMT2 ThermoFisher Hs00176502_m1
Taqman VIC Probe B2M ThermoFisher Hs00187842_m1
Taqman FAM Probe LAMP2 ThermoFisher Hs00174474_m1
Software and Algorithms
nSolver analysis software Nanostring Tech N/A
Quant Studio Design and Analysis Software 1.3.1 Thermofisher N/A
Image Studio Lite v5.2 LI-COR Biosciences N/A
Sigma Plot Version 13 Systat Software, Inc N/A
EndNotes Version 8.2 Clarivate Analytics N/A
SAS Version 9.4 Sas Institute Inc N/A
Amicon ultracel-3K Membrane; Millipore Corporation, Cat#UFC5003BK
Vacuum Genevac EZ-2plus Cat#EZ-2.3
Data generated with Nanostring technology can be found in Data S1 at the following link