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. 2018 Oct 22;41(4):381–389. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjy066

Table 2.

Use of CBCT for CLP diagnosis in children. BCLP, bilateral cleft lip palate; CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography; CEJ-AC, cementoenamel junction–alveolar crest; CG, control group (side); CLP, cleft lip palate; F, female; M, male; UCLP, unilateral cleft lip palate.

Authors Sample size 2D/3D Results in accordance to CBCT
Wriedt et al. (46) 20 (16 M; 4 F) 2D + 3D CBCT only justified in special cases
Buyuk et al. (29) 44 (26 M; 18 F) 3D Prevalence of dehiscence was found higher in the CLP group compared to the CG
CG: 51 (21 M; 30 F)
Celebi et al. (41) 40 (20 M; 20 F) 3D Root volume assessment by using CBCT reveals smaller volume of roots on the cleft side compared to the non-cleft side
CG: 40 (20 M; 20 F)
Celikoglu et al. (37) UCLP: 24 3D UCLP and BCLP have insignificantly decreased values of mandibular volume compared to a normal occlusion group, evaluated by CBCT
BCLP: 17
CG: 25
Ercan et al. (31) 31 (7 F; 24 M) 3D Bone thickness assessment by using CBCT: smaller bone thickness on the cleft side; mean CEJ-AC distance for central teeth: UCLP region > non-cleft region*
Garib et al. (28) BCLP: 10 (5 M; 5 F) 3D CBCT is a useful method to assess alveolar bone plate thickness and bone dehiscence in teeth, adjacent to clefts
Janssen et al. (47) 11 (6 M; 5 F) 3D CBCT is reliable at relatively low resolution for volumetric analysis
Lee et al. (38) UCLP: 7 (3 M; 4 F) 3D Volume (bone graft) ~ volume(cleft) r = 0.96*
Lin et al. (33) 30 (20 M; 10 F) 3D Facial asymmetry assessment by using CBCT showed more severe lower facial asymmetry: more asymmetrical positions and rotations of the condyles, with a positive correlation with chin deviation in UCLP patients
CG: 40 (16 M; 24 F)
Lin et al. (34) 30 (18 M; 12 F) 3D UCLP patients had more retrusive maxillary and mandibular positions relative to the cranial base (P < 0.001 and P = 0.003, respectively); UCLP group had more severe vertical discrepancies*
CG: 30 (17 M; 13 F)
Linderup et al. (42) 10 (6 M; 4 F) 3D CBCT is a reproducible and practical method for assessing the volumetric outcome of secondary alveolar bone grafting in UCLP patients
Oberoi et al. (45) 21 (15 M; 6 F) 3D Volume rendering using CBCT is reproducible and practical method to assess preoperative alveolar cleft volume
Paknahad et al. (39) 60 (20 UCLP; 20 BCLP; 20 controls) 3D CBCT evaluation showed that the mandible appears to be leading factor in facial asymmetry in CLP patients
Starbuck et al. (35) 15 BCLP (11 M; 4 F) 3D 3D imaging allows increased access, assessment, and measurement of craniofacial structures; BCLP deformity alters facial skeletal morphology of the midface, the oronasal region, and the upper facial skeleton. All these results were statistically significant
CG: 15 (11 M; 4 F)
Starbuck et al. (36) UCLP: 26 (17 M; 9 F) 3D UCLP congenital anomaly is strongly associated with dysmorphology and asymmetry of the nasal regions of the midface; morphometric differences were also found for the upper and lower facial skeletons
CG: 26 (17 M; 9 F)
Starbuck et al. (44) 55 (40 M; 15 F) 3D Significant differences in tissue depth symmetry were found around the cutaneous upper lip and nose in unilateral CLP patients
Yang et al. (40) UCLP: 21 (13 M; 8 F) 3D CBCT assessment of facial asymmetry concluded that significant differences between cleft and non-cleft sides only exist around the cleft, and not in deeper regions of maxillary complex
CG: 14 (6 M; 8 F)
Zhang et al. (43) 40 (30 M; 10 F) 3D Significant delay in dental development in cleft patients
Zhou et al. (42) 60 CLP (40 UCLP; 20 BCLP) 3D CBCT is a valid tool to evaluate developmental deficiency in teeth adjacent to the cleft; permanent upper incisors in CLP patients are underdeveloped
CG: 53

*Statistically significant.