Separation of deprotonated
sialylated glycans H2S1 using DMS. The
blue trace was obtained during the analysis of the mixture of the
two isomers, while the red and pink traces were produced during the
analysis of only the H2S1 isomer. While minimal separation is observed
when the DMS is operated at SV = 4500 V using nitrogen alone as the
carrier gas (A), the α2,3 and α2,6 sialic acid-linked
isomers were fully separated when methanol was added to the carrier
gas. Full scan MS/MS spectra (collision energy = 45 eV, lab frame
for both spectra) obtained using the SV and CoV settings for full
separation, show different fragment patterns for the α2,3 (C)
and the α2,6 isomers (D). Note, the presence of a α2,6
isomer-specific 0,4A2-CO2 fragment at m/z 306 (D).