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. 2019 Aug 7;4(4):e00511-19. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00511-19



Plasmid Relevant feature(s) Parent vector Digestion enzymes Insert primers Reference
pMAD ori-pE194ts 56
pAH9 ori-pE194 PsarA-mcherry 57
pAH13 Ptet-gfp 57
pRAN332 Ptet-gfp 64
pEBT4 ori-pE194ts, ΔblaP pMAD BgIII, EcoRI 3832 and 3833, 3834 and 3835 This study
pEBT5 ori-pE194ts, ΔrasP pMAD BgIII, EcoRI 3632 and 3633, 3634 and 3635 This study
pEBT6 ori-pE194ts, ΔsigP-rsiP pMAD BgIII, EcoRI 3776 and 3777, 3778 and 3779 This study
pEBT13 Ptet-gfp-rsiP pAH9 HindIII, EcoRI 3838 and 3839 This study
pCE630 Ptet-gfp-rsiP1–72 pAH9 HindIII, EcoRI 3838 and 4258 This study
pCE632 Ptet-gfp-rsiP1–53 pAH9 HindIII, EcoRI 3838 and 4259 This study
pTHE960 PsigP-sigP+-rsiP+ pAH9 HindIII, EcoRI 3774 and 3775 This study
pIA02 PsarA-rasP+ pAH9 EcoRI, KpnI 3744 and 3745 This study
pTHE946 pE194ts pMAD BamHI, StuI This study
pTHE948 pE194ts ‘thrC thrB pTHE946 ScaI, SalI 2917 and 2918, 2919 and 2920 This study
pTHE950 pE194ts ‘thrC lacZ thrB pTHE948 XhoI, SbfI 2922 and 2923 This study
pTHE949 pE194ts ‘thrC PsigP-lacZ thrB pTHE950 XhoI, SalI 2929 and 2930 This study