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. 2019 Jul 4;9(15):8652–8663. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5407

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Mean (±1 SE) biomass of Mikania micrantha plants grown in the presence of Coix lacryma‐jobi under different levels of parasitism by Cuscuta campestris and in the presence versus absence of a full complement of soil fungi and bacteria. Fungicide and bactericide were used to suppress soil fungi and bacteria, respectively. (a) Main effect of different levels of parasitism: +P0, +P1, and +P2 indicate no parasitism, light parasitism, and heavy parasitism on C. campestris, respectively; (b) main effect of fungicide; −F indicates without fungicide, +F indicates with fungicide; (c) interactive effects of different level of parasitism and bactericide; (d) interactive effect of different level of parasitism and fungicide; (e) interactive effect of different level of bactericide and fungicide; (f) interactive effect of different level of parasitism, bactericide, and fungicide. Significance of the main and interactive effects was determined by three‐way ANOVA tests (cf. Table S1). Letters above bars indicate the results of post hoc least‐squares mean comparisons (bars that do not share a letter are significantly different)