Figure 4.
Sinigrin is positively correlated with metrics of survival early in the life cycle. Correlations of root sinigrin concentration with mean Alliaria petiolata vital rates during six successive life‐history stages. Each point in the figure represents a Pearson correlation coefficient relating variation in sinigrin concentration among populations to the variation in the vital rate. Per capita vital rates shown are SS: annual seed survival probability; G1: germination probability of seeds after one winter; SR: survival probability of seedlings to the rosette stage; Summer: survival probability of first‐year rosettes from June through October; Early: product of SR and summer survival; Winter: overwintering survival probability of rosettes from October through June the following year; F: fecundity (mean seeds produced per adult plant). The A. petiolata life cycle progresses from seed survival to reproduction in the order plotted here from left to right. N = 10 for all correlations. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.