Table 1.
Questions used to guide semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions [33]a
1. Why do you use complementary medicine products? | |
2. What sort of information do you want when considering taking complementary medicine products? | |
3. What sort of information do you feel women who are pregnant or lactating need when considering using complementary medicine products? | |
4. Where do you find the information you need when choosing to use complementary medicine products in pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding? What resources do you use? | |
5. What do you feel would help pregnant and lactating women get the complementary medicines information they want and need to make safe decisions regarding using complementary medicine products? | |
6. How easy is it for you to understand the information about complementary medicines you access? What would help you understand this information better? | |
7. Can you please describe the decision-making processes you use when choosing to take complementary medicine products? |
aQuestions used to facilitate the IDIs and FGDs have been previously published in a related paper [33]; this current paper reports on another set of findings from the in-depth interviews and focus group discussions