Fig. 6.
NR1B2 regulate YAP phosphorylation through LATS1/2. a, e. The correlation between NR1B2 and LATS1 (a) or LATS2 (e) mRNA levels in KIRC TCGA database. b-c. Overall survival(b) and disease-free survival (c) curve of KIRC patients with low (n = 258) and high (n = 255) LATS1 expression in TCGA database. d, h. Relative expression levels of LATS1(d) and LATS2(H) in TCGA database with recurrence status. f-g. Overall survival(f) and disease-free survival (g) curve of KIRC patients with low (n = 257) and high (n = 258) LATS2 expression in TCGA database. I, J. Relative expression levels of LATS1(i) and LATS2(j) in TCGA database with pathological stage. k-l. Immunoprecipitation analysis of the interaction of Lats1, LATS2 and Yap in SW839 cells with increasing NR1B2 (k) or in SH-NR1B2 786-O cells (l).m-n. Western blotting of phosphorylated YAP (p-YAP) in SW839 cells co-transfected with Lats1(m) or LATS2(n) and with or without overexpressed NR1B2