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. 2019 Aug 5;76(11):1298–1308. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.2244

Table 2. Sample Characteristics of the Deceased US Football Players.

Characteristic Patients, No. (%)
Total, No. 180a
Demographic Factors
Age at death, mean (SD), y 67.9 (12.7)
African American 34 (18.9)
Education level
Less than high school or some high school 1 (0.6)
High school or graduate equivalency diploma 2 (1.1)
Some college 34 (18.9)
College degree 94 (52.2)
More than college 10 (5.6)
Graduate degree 39 (21.7)
Athletic participation time variables, mean (SD), y
Football play 14.9 (5.7)
Since retirement 40.9 (12.7)
Age at first exposure to football 12.1 (2.8)
Highest level played
Youth or high school 7 (3.9)
College 45 (25.0)
Semiprofessional 7 (3.9)
Professional 121 (67.2)
Football primary position
Lineman (offensive or defensive) 83 (46.1)
Linebacker 22 (12.2)
Defensive back or safety 18 (10.0)
Running back 27 (15.0)
Quarterback 13 (7.2)
Special teams 1 (0.6)
Other or multiple 9 (5.0)
Wide receiver 2 (1.1)
Unknown 5 (2.8)
Any other contact sport history 28 (15.6)
Military historyb 53 (29.4)
Combat exposure 7 (3.9)
Neuropathologic Factors
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
I 12 (6.7)
II 23 (12.8)
III 86 (47.8)
IV 59 (32.8)
Dorsolateral frontal cortex neurofibrillary tangles density rating
None 5 (2.8)
Mild 45 (25.0)
Moderate 40 (22.2)
Severe 90 (50.0)
Lewy body disease
Brainstem predominant 9 (5.0)
Limbic or neocortical 29 (16.1)
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration
Tau 8 (4.4)
TDP-43 8 (4.4)
Motor neuron disease 10 (5.6)
Prion disease 2 (1.1)
Alzheimer disease neuropathologic changes
Not Alzheimer disease 90 (50.0)
Alzheimer disease neuropathologic change severity
Low 25 (13.9)
Intermediate 41 (22.8)
High 24 (13.3)
Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer Disease neuritic plaque score
None 101 (56.1)
Sparse 50 (27.8)
Moderate 17 (9.4)
Frequent 12 (6.7)
Braak stage
0-III 142 (80.2)
IV-VI 35 (19.8)

Abbreviation: TDP-43, transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 kDa.


Of the 180 participants, samples sizes were reduced to 179 individuals for combat history and 177 individuals for Braak stage because of missing data.


Military history refers to any history of service in the military, regardless of combat exposure.