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. 2019 Aug 7;2(8):e198642. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.8642

Table 2. Sociodemographic and Visit Characteristics of Patients Presenting to US EDs in 2016a.

Characteristic ED Visits, No. (%) P Value
Total (N = 114 323 044) ECSC (n = 16 033 359) Non-ECSC (n = 98 289 685)
Age, y
18-44 53 349 370 (46.7) 3 809 536 (23.8) 49 539 834 (50.4) <.001
45-64 33 839 758 (29.6) 5 124 995 (32.0) 28 714 763 (29.2)
≥65 27 133 915 (23.7) 7 098 827 (44.3) 20 035 088 (20.4)
Male 48 915 822 (42.8) 7 864 028 (49.0) 41 051 794 (41.8) <.001
Female 65 387 451 (57.2) 8 164 134 (50.9) 57 223 317 (58.2)
Missing 19 771 (<0.1) 5197 (<0.1) 14 574 (<0.1)
Comorbid conditions, No.
0 1 709 339 (1.5) 530 779 (3.3) 1 178 560 (1.2) <.001
1-2 5 884 563 (5.1) 2 609 244 (16.3) 3 275 319 (3.3)
3-4 6 022 224 (5.3) 3 010 601 (18.8) 3 011 623 (3.1)
≥5 4 270 094 (3.7) 2 384 637 (14.9) 1 885 457 (1.9)
Unknownb 96 436 823 (84.4) 7 498 098 (46.8) 88 938 726 (90.5)
Disposition following ED visit
Treated and released 94 286 898 (82.5) 6 544 983 (40.8) 87 741 915 (89.3) <.001
Admitted 17 886 220 (15.6) 8 535 261 (53.2) 9 350 959 (9.5)
Transferred 1 960 230 (1.7) 788 512 (4.9) 1 171 719 (1.2)
Died in the ED 189 695 (0.2) 164 603 (1.0) 25 092 (<0.1)
Patient residence
Metropolitan counties 93 325 990 (81.6) 12 842 382 (80.1) 80 483 608 (81.9) <.001
Nonmetropolitan counties 20 326 799 (17.8) 3 102 904 (19.4) 17 223 895 (17.5)
Missing 670 255 (0.6) 88 073 (0.5) 582 182 (0.6)
Median household income percentile
≤25th 39 282 465 (34.4) 5 186 780 (32.3) 34 095 685 (34.7) <.001
26th-50th 30 718 519 (26.9) 4 288 323 (26.7) 26 430 196 (26.9)
51st-75th 23 543 105 (20.6) 3 428 741 (21.4) 20 114 364 (20.5)
≥76th 18 584 638 (16.3) 2 820 483 (17.6) 15 764 155 (16.0)
Missing 2 194 317 (1.9) 309 032 (1.9) 1 885 285 (1.9)
Private 32 620 995 (28.5) 3 666 167 (22.9) 28 954 828 (29.5) <.001
Medicare 33 191 411 (29.0) 7 861 578 (49.0) 25 329 833 (25.8)
Medicaid 28 165 562 (24.6) 2 698 677 (16.8) 25 466 885 (25.9)
Uninsuredc 15 102 230 (13.2) 1 254 140 (7.8) 13 848 090 (14.1)
Otherd 5 093 674 (4.5) 537 679 (3.4) 4 555 995 (4.6)
Missing 149 173 (0.1) 15 119 (0.1) 134 054 (0.1)
Hospital region
Northeast 21 067 969 (18.4) 2 871 038 (17.9) 18 196 931 (18.5) .04
Midwest 26 170 557 (22.9) 3 738 489 (23.3) 22 432 068 (22.8)
South 45 520 172 (39.8) 6 289 625 (39.2) 39 230 547 (39.9)
West 21 564 347 (18.9) 3 134 208 (19.5) 18 430 139 (18.8)
Trauma center designation
Trauma center 49 355 447 (43.2) 7 208 750 (45.0) 42 146 697 (42.9) <.001
Nontrauma center 63 754 236 (55.8) 8 660 345 (54.0) 55 093 891 (56.1)
Not classified 1 213 361 (1.1) 164 264 (1.0) 1 049 097 (1.1)
Hospital location
Metropolitan 96 527 992 (84.4) 13 523 365 (84.3) 83 004 627 (84.4) .47
Micropolitan 9 621 132 (8.4) 1 347 523 (8.4) 8 273 609 (8.4)
Nonurban 5 661 456 (5.0) 774 746 (4.8) 4 886 710 (5.0)
Not classified 2 512 464 (2.2) 387 725 (2.4) 2 124 739 (2.2)
Hospital teaching status
Teaching 51 699 798 (45.2) 7 269 813 (45.3) 44 429 985 (45.2) .77
Nonteaching 62 623 246 (54.8) 8 763 546 (54.7) 53 859 700 (54.8)
Hospital ownership
Private 27 892 757 (24.4) 3 924 071 (24.5) 23 968 686 (24.4) .10
Public 5 779 626 (5.1) 761 243 (4.7) 5 018 383 (5.1)
Not classified 80 650 660 (70.5) 11 348 045 (70.8) 69 302 615 (70.5)

Abbreviations: ECSC, emergency care–sensitive condition; ED, emergency department.


Based on the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample. Numbers of visits and percentages are based on weighted population estimates. Percentages may not add to 100% because of rounding.


Number of comorbid conditions only available for the ED visits that led to admission.


Includes self-pay and no-charge ED visits.


Includes worker’s compensation, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Title V, and other government programs.