Co-infection with S. Typhimurium increases gut leakage in mice challenged with P. chabaudi. C57Bl/6J mice were infected with P. chabaudi, and co-infected mice received S. Typhimurium gavage either 2 or 4 days post P. chabaudi infection. The animals were sacrificed 9 or 11 days post malarial parasite infection, respectively, and both experiments ended 7 days post NTS infection. (A) Diagram showing the experimental design of experiment 1 and experiment 2 (expt. 1 and expt. 2). (B, C) Plasmodium parasite growth is shown in both experiments (expt.1 and expt.2, respectively). (D) Bacterial loads in blood and liver are shown at day 7 post NTS infection from (expt.1). (E) Bacterial loads in blood, liver and spleen are shown at day 7 post NTS infection (expt.2). (F) FITC-Dextran gavage followed by plasma collection 4 hr later on day 9 post malarial parasite infection (expt.1) allowed detection of leakage of the intestinal wall shown as FITC fluorescence in plasma. (G) Survival curve of infected and co-infected animals, combined from two experiments (expt.1 and expt.2). Experiments were repeated once with 5 mice per group.