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. 2019 Jul;8(4):447–455. doi: 10.21037/acs.2019.06.11

Table 1. Baseline data for pooled patient cohort. Between-group heterogeneity statistic and P value for risk difference and mean difference (as appropriate) is included. Full details in Table S2.

Characteristic Total cohort, n (%, 95% CI) TEVAR, n (%, 95% CI) Medical management, n (%, 95% CI) I2 P
Patients 327 161 166
Males 184/271 (67.0, 61.0–72.5) 88/121 (72.1, 61.9–80.4) 61/93 (65.0, 54.5–74.2) 0% 0.097
Age (years), mean (95% CI), n 62.2 (55.8–68.7), n=327 62.6 (53.8–71.3), n=161 61.9 (51.7–72.1), n=166 0% 0.645
Hypertension 179/204 (86.0, 75.2–92.6) 72/84 (84.4, 69.3–92.8) 51/63 (77.6, 56.4–90.3) 82% 0.828
Diabetes mellitus 21/204 (10.7, 7.1–15.9) 8/84 (9.8, 5.0–18.4) 7/63 (11.9, 5.8–22.9) 0% 0.878
COPD 39/162 (24.5, 15.7–36) 23/84 (28.1, 15.5–45.5) 14/63 (21.7, 7.9–47.4) 0% 0.237
Ischaemic heart disease 26/139 (19.7, 11.5–31.8) 10/50 (20.7, 11.5–34.4) 5/32 (15.6, 6.7–32.5) 0% 0.735
Renal impairment 16/147 (12.3, 7.6–19.1) 11/84 (13.6, 7.7–23) 5/63 (9.5, 3.8–22.0) 0% 0.262
History of aortic surgery 14/124 (11.8, 7.1–19) 4/50 (8.1, 3.1–19.6) 4/32 (13.1, 5.0–30.2) 0% 0.641
Symptomatic presentation 153/160 (93.0, 83.1–97.3) 77/80 (92.7, 82.9–97.1) 76/80 (93.7, 68.3–99) 29% 0.717
Penetrating atheromatous ulcer 52/164 (33.4, 16.5–55.9) 51/117 (51.2, 27.3–74.6) 1/47 (7.3, 2.1–22.8) 85% 0.001
Ulcer-like projection 18/97 (19.7, 9.9–35.5) 16/55 (29.7, 19–43.3) 2/42 (5.9, 1.7–18.5) 0% 0.001
MAD, mean (95% CI), n (mm) 40.4 (37.1–43.8), n=213 40.8 (36.7–44.8), n=117 37.3 (33.4–41.3), n=86 81% 0.216
IMH size, mean (95% CI), n (mm) 13.1 (10.1–16.0), n=213 15.9 (13.0–18.8), n=117 10.5 (7.7–13.3), n=86 92% 0.037

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; MAD, maximum aortic diameter; IMH, intramural hematoma; TEVAR, transcatheter endovascular aortic repair; CI, confidence interval; I2, heterogeneity statistic; P, alternate hypothesis probability.