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. 2018 Dec 13;220(6):920–931. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy688

Table 3.

Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Economic Outcomes for Zika Vaccination When Vaccinating Young Adults 5 Years Before the Start of an Outbreak With a 2% Attack Rate

Country and Model Total Vaccinateda, Millions Symptomatic Zika Cases DALYs, Median (95% UI) Vaccination Costs Total Direct Costs, Median (95% UI) Total Societal Costs, Median (95% UI) Cost per Case Avertedb
 No vaccinec 9229 3506 (1015–7703) 2.1 (1.4–3.4) 5.8 (3.2–10.4)
 $5 vaccine
  25% efficacy
  25% coveragec 0.8 7398 2873 (818–6432) 3.6 5.2 (4.7–6.2) 8.3 (6.0–12.4) 1381
  75% coveraged 2.2 4968 1931 (551–4322) 10.4 11.6 (11.2–12.2) 13.6 (12.1–16.4) 1849
  75% efficacy
  25% coveraged 0.8 5779 2246 (640–5026) 3.6 4.9 (4.5–5.7) 7.3 (5.5–10.5) 442
  75% coveraged 2.2 3110 1211 (347–2707) 10.4 11.2 (10.9–11.6) 12.5 (11.5–14.2) 1097
 $25 vaccine
  25% efficacy
  25% coveragec 0.8 7398 2812 (815–6176) 23.7 19.6 (19.0–20.7) 22.6 (20.5–26.3) 9172
  75% coveraged 2.2 4968 1891 (550–4150) 70.7 53.4 (53.0–54.1) 55.3 (53.9–57.9) 11637
  75% efficacy
  25% coveraged 0.8 5779 2198 (638–4826) 23.7 19.2 (18.8–20.1) 21.6 (19.9–24.5) 4579
  75% coveraged 2.2 3110 1185 (346–2600) 70.7 52.9 (52.7–53.4) 54.2 (53.3–55.8) 7915
 No vaccine 346206 107296 (28385–255941) 193.4 (132.4–266.2) 737.5 (357.0–1443.0)
 $5 vaccine
  25% efficacy
  25% coverage 14.8 279544 85716 (27720–204492) 69.3 225.4 (176.2–282.9) 663.1 (358.2–1252.4) –1115
  75% coverage 43.2 191468 58716 (18994–140072) 202.5 310.3 (276.2–350.0) 610.7 (401.5–1014.9) –819
  75% efficacy
  25% coverage 14.8 212635 65206 (21093–155556) 69.3 188.8 (151.1–233.1) 522.5 (290.2–971.6) –1609
  75% coveragec 43.2 109844 33692 (10905–80368) 202.4 265.1 (245.3–288.1) 437.9 (317.8–670.2) –1268
 $25 vaccine
  25% efficacy
  25% coverage 14.8 279544 86644 (22925–206669) 23.7 503.5 (454–562.6) 943.5 (635.8–1514.2) 3090
  75% coverage 43.2 191468 59355 (15708–141564) 70.7 1120.6 (1086.5–1161.3) 1422.6 (1211.4–1814.4) 4427
  75% efficacy
  25% coverage 14.8 212635 65915 (17444–157212) 23.7 466.7 (428.8–511.9) 802.0 (567.6–1237.2) 483
  75% coveragec 43.2 109844 34061 (9018–81225) 70.7 1075.1 (1055.2–1098.4) 1248.6 (1127.3–1474.1) 2163
Puerto Rico
 No vaccine 7860 2421 (701–5659) 9.4 (6.2–23.1) 36.5 (17.3–71.7)
 $5 vaccine
  25% efficacy
  25% coverage 0.2 6369 1881 (549–4504) 1.0 8.8 (6.1–21.5) 30.2 (15.0–61.4) –4180
  75% coverage 0.6 4407 1302 (380–3117) 2.9 8.4 (6.5–17.2) 23.3 (12.7–44.9) –3823
  75% efficacy
  25% coverage 0.2 4787 1414 (413–3386) 1.0 6.9 (4.9–16.5) 23.1 (11.6–46.6) –4360
  75% coveragec 0.6 2435 720 (210–1722) 2.9 6.0 (5.0–10.9) 14.3 (8.4–26.2) –4093
 $25 vaccine
  25% efficacy
  25% coverage 0.2 6369 1962 (568–4585) 23.7 12.7 (10.1–23.8) 34.7 (19.1–63.3) –1195
  75% coverage 0.6 4407 1358 (393–3173) 70.7 20.1 (18.3–27.8) 35.3 (24.5–55.2) –327
  75% efficacy
  25% coverage 0.2 4787 1475 (427–3447) 23.7 10.9 (8.9–19.2) 27.4 (15.7–49.0) –2944
  75% coveragec 0.6 2435 751 (218–1753) 70.7 17.8 (16.7–22.0) 26.2 (20.2–37.2) –1894

Costs are shown as million 2017 US dollars. Simulated outbreak occurs 5 years after the start of vaccination; all outbreaks lasted 5 years unless otherwise noted.

Abbreviations: DALY, disability-adjusted life-year; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome; UI, uncertainty interval.

aTransmission model result.

bFrom the societal perspective; US dollars; negative values imply savings.

cOutbreak duration 4 years.

dOutbreak duration 3 years.