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. 2019 Apr 17;7(3):112–124. doi: 10.1002/iid3.249

Table 2.

Clinical characteristics of asthmatics stratified by ICSa

ICS a (total μg/day)*
ICS a (total μg/day) <1000 >1000
Number 13 5 P value
Total daily dose ICS a (μg/day) 282 1097 7.1E−07
Sex (% F) 62 (8/13) 40 (2/5) 0.440
Age 41.5 38.0 NS
Body mass index (BMI) 39.58 39.17 NS
IgE (kU/L) 114.6 521.8 0.076
History of smoking (%) 38 60 NS
Pack year 2.8 12.2 0.031
Currently smoking (%) 0 0 NS
FEV1 c (% Pred) 85.8 68.4 0.016
FEV1/FVC b 70.8 60.6 0.093
Oral corticosteroid (%) 8.0 20 NS
Short‐acting β agonist (%) 20 20 NS
Long‐acting β agonist (%) 54 100 NS
Montelukast (%) 8 20 NS
Severe asthma (%) d 0 80 0.001
Eosinophils (%) f 4.04 2.56 NS
Neutrophils (%) f 61.85 53.73 NS
% CD4+ T cells 5.31 8.77 0.053
% CD4+ CRTh2+ 4.74 4.49 NS
% CD4+ CRTh2+/WBC e 0.22 0.36 0.036
IL‐13 (pg/mL) 408.74 540.97 0.418
IL‐2 (pg/mL) 29, 687.74 57 890.33 0.030

Abbreviations: ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; IgE,immunoglobulin E; WBC, white blood cells. Bold text denotes p value <0.05.


Data stratified by 1000 μg/day.


ICS, inhaled corticodsteroid, fluticasone equivalent.


FVC, forced vital capacity.


FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second.


ATS/ERS Guidelines.15


WBC, peripheral white blood cells.


Percent of complete blood count.