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. 2019 Aug 8;20:113. doi: 10.1186/s12875-019-0995-7

Table 2.

Percentage of charts with documentation of CVD risk indicators: baseline to 12 months post-interventionf

Practice ID Active GPs/total FTE GPsc Perceived practice engage-mentd CVD riske Serum cholesterol Blood sugar level Blood pressure Smoking status Body Mass Index Waist circumference Alcohol consumption
Pre % Post % Pre % Post % Pre % Post % Pre % Post % Pre % Post % Pre % Post % Pre % Post % Pre % Post %
A 3/3 Strong 70.4 77b 57.4 66.1b 1.6 3.8 79.2 79.8 95.4 95.9a 27.1 26.6 2.9 4.3 1.2 9.9
B 2/2 Strong 44.9 54.3a 43.1 48.1 42.9 45.4 64.6 72b 90.8 94.9b 12.6 19.7 3.9 4.8 11 12.5
C 4/13 Poor 39 44.7 54.5 N/Ag 1.5 1.7 76.9 75.4 88.8 91.9 22.6 21 8.5 4.5 5.4 5
D 4/4 Poor ➔ Strong 32.4 45.2a 55.7 44.8 5.9 6.6 73.2 77.2a 73.8 85.7b 28 36.2a 3.2 12.7 18.3 31.2a
E 3/3 Strong 31.8 42.7a 43.7 57.1b 32.8 37.6 80.8 84.3a 93.2 94.5a 25.3 33.1a 6.3 9.8 38.9 37.9
F 9/12 Poor ➔ Strong 18.1 29.9a 51.8 56.7a 0.6 0.9 70.3 73.5a 35.5 49.4b 10.6 13.2 2.2 4.8 0 0
G 5/5 Poor 4.6 24.7b 8.9 47.6b 3.0 9.0 60.1 64 41.4 46.6 20.2 23.3 4.6 5.1 10.3 10.9
H 1/1 Strong 2.4 15.8 25.2 48.4a 5.6 9.6 a 66.2 70.1b 35.8 46.1a 17.8 23.2 4.4 7.7 17.7 16.9

aindicates that post intervention there was an increase of between 10 and 19% in the documentation of the risk factors in those patient records without risk factor documentation at baseline. (also indicated by light shading)

bindicates that post intervention there was an increase of ≥20% in the documentation of the risk factor in those patient records without risk factor documentation at baseline. (also indicated by dark shading)

cThe proportion of full-time equivalent GPs who consented to participate in the intervention related to the total number of FTE GPs in the practice

dFacilitator perception of practice engagement. The symbol ➔ implies transition of engagement over the course of the intervention

eProportion of records with data sufficient to measure cardiovascular risk

fTargets for each indicator were cardiovascular risk: ≥40%, serum cholesterol: ≥50%, blood sugar: ≥50%, blood pressure: ≥80%, smoking status: ≥90%, body mass index ≥25% waist circumference: ≥10%, alcohol consumption: ≥40%

gData unreliable for post intervention serum cholesterol calculation in Practice C