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. 2019 Aug 9;18:271. doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-2902-z

Box 1: Summary of MDA distribution activities

Fixed site distribution

 Organizing the site prior to distribution

 Verifying eligibility to take MDA

 Screening of women of reproductive age for pregnancy

 Registration of individuals receiving the study drug

 Distribution of blisters with 1st dose under DOT

 Tally sheet completed after medicine has been dispensed

 Monitoring for serious adverse events or Adverse events for at least 30 min and

Referral of all ill people to the nearest health facility

Door-to-door distribution

 Verification of household members

 Explaining of objectives for the campaign

 Obtained consent/assent

 Checking for eligibility

 Screening for pregnancy among women of reproductive age

 Distribution of blisters appropriate for the age category

 Give instruction for taking the remaining Doses on days two and three

 Mark the tally sheet

 Mark the completed house hold

Mix of two approaches

 Organizing the sites to have facilities like, pit latrines, tables, chairs, drinking water, shelter or waiting shades

 Identification and verification of village members

 Consenting and/or assenting

 Screening for eligibility

 Testing for pregnancy

 Dispensing of drugs

 All ill people referred to health facilities

 Door-to-door follow up using tracking logs to identify people who should be mobilized  To go to the site for day 1 dose under DOT

 Monitored the taking of 2nd or 3rd doses

 Inquired about adverse events