Figure 4. Single-trial ERPs sorted by adaptation step size, plus within- and across-subjects regressions on SDN magnitude.
A. Top panel: pMFC cluster-mean scalp map and cluster IC equivalent dipole locations. Middle panel: For illustration, single-trial ERPs time locked to C0 were first time warped to fix latencies of C1 and C2 across trials (see Methods) then pooled across pMFC-cluster ICs and sorted by adaptation step size (SOA1,2). Blue indicates negative activation; red, positive activation (green: 0). Dashed black vertical lines represent cue onsets; solid black traces represent heel strikes of adaptation steps S0 through S2. Upper trials in which the participant made a larger (SOA1,2) adaptation step exhibit a stronger SDN near 250 ms. Bottom panel: The cluster-mean ERP. B. Scatterplots of single trials for two example pMFC cluster ICs (subject 6 - 41 trials and subject 13 - 54 trials) plotting trial-by-trial relationships between SDN magnitude and size of adaptation steps SOA0,1 (blue dots) and SOA1,2 (red dots). As seen in the ERP-image plot (A), the size of adaptation step SOA1,2 is positively correlated with SDN magnitude. C. Scatter plots showing, for all cluster ICs, the relationship between IC trial-mean SDN magnitude and step size for adaptation steps SOA0,1 (blue dots) and SOA1,2 (red dots). Note the positive correlation between SOA1,2 and trial-mean SDN magnitude (red regression line). Asterisks indicate significance (p<0.05).