Fig. 4. Microarray data with modulation of genes in response to OPTN-KD.
a The Venn diagram shows 52 genes modulated in both Miapaca and Suit2-007 cells, with 1.5-fold change taken as cutoff for analysis (detailed gene lists are shown in Supplementary tables 1, 2, 3). b Heat map generated by IPA software showing 13 modulated canonical pathways, which are affected by the knockdown in either of the cell lines, with activation Z scores ranging from −2.8 to 2. c Cell cycle distribution of propidium iodide staining by flow cytometry in Miapaca cells, as calculated by flowing software. d The bar graph shows the distribution of Miapaca cells according to the cell cycle stages as calculated by flowing software and presented as % of cells. e qRT-PCR data showing the expression of cell cycle genes (CDK6, CDK4, CCND1, CCND3) following OPTN-KD in the three PDAC cell lines BXPC3, Miapaca and Suit2-007 in comparison with siRNA control as calculated by the ∆∆ CT method. f WB results of various CDKs in response to OPTN-KD in Miapaca cells. Analysis of the band density was done by ImageJ software and corrected to β-actin and to negative siRNA as control. g Heat map of the upper 30 common upstream regulators following OPTN-KD in Miapaca and Suit2-007 cells according to the activation Z score generated by IPA software