Mutations in the Os07g0235800 gene and phenotypes of transgenic plants. (a) Structure of the SUI4/SNB gene and location of mutations. Empty boxes indicate 5′ and 3′ UTRs, filled boxes indicate CDS, and lines indicates introns. (b) Plant architecture at the maturing stage. DJ: Dongjin, sui4-DJ: transgenic line in which the SUI4 gene from a Dongjin plant was introduced into sui4 mutants, DJ-SUI4: transgenic line in which the SUI4 gene from a sui4 mutant was introduced into Dongjin plants, DJ-SUI4sd: transgenic line in which the SUI4 gene, modified by site-directed mutagenesis as shown in (a), was introduced into Dongjin plants. (c) Culm structure. Arrows indicate locations of nodes. Two main culms from two plants are shown for each phenotype. Two independent transgenic lines are shown for DJ-SUI4 and DJ-SUI4sd. (d) Lengths of panicles, culms, and internodes. For DJ and sui4, three main culms from three different plants were measured. For sui4-DJ, DJ-SUI4, and DJ-SUI4sd, six main culms from three to four independent transgenic lines were measured. PL: panicle length, I1L: first internode length, I2L: second internode length, I3L: third internode length, I4L: forth internode length, CL: culm length