Figure 3.
Physical bending and drying properties of printed silver NW traces on Kapton. a) Change in resistance of printed silver nanowire trace as a function of bending radius – measurements taken while substrate was bent. The median is marked with a red line. The first and third quartiles are demarcated by the blue box and the whiskers extend to the furthest data points not considered outliers. The red crosses note the outliers. b) Resistance degradation under cyclic bending of silver nanowire (solid lines) and silver nanoparticle (dashed lines) traces where the shaded regions are the standard deviation at a bending radius of 10 mm (blue) and 1 mm (red) up to 1000 bending cycles in both tensile bending strain and compressive bending strain. c) SEM images of silver nanoparticle (left) and silver nanowire (right) traces after 100 bending cycles (silver nanoparticle) and 1000 bending cycles (silver nanowire). Cracks in the print are highlighted in red.