Figure 1. mcr-1 mediates resistance to lysozyme.
A, B, Colony PCR using (A) mcr-1 specific or (B) uspA specific primers on mcr-1 positive isolates CDF-1 and IHD86_4 and their corresponding cured, mcr-1 negative derivatives. A molecular weight ladder was included in each figure, and E. coli strain NCM3722 was used as a positive control and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1 was used as a negative control in Figure 1B. C, Percent survival of mcr-1 positive isolates and their corresponding, cured mcr-1 negative derivatives, calculated by dividing the surviving CFUs after three-hour incubation with lysozyme by the initial inoculum (represented by dashed line, 1×106 CFU/ml). Data shown are representative of three biological replicates. Error bars represent mean ± standard deviation, **P=0–0012, ***P=0–0008.