Fig. 6.
Alterartion of corticostriatal functional connectivity in NF1 mice. (A) Seed locations in the mouse cortex and striatum. (B) Three polar plots display corticostriatal functional connectivity of the three striatal subregions (frontal, somatomotor and auditory). Polar scales range from z(r) of −0.05 to 0.2 in 0.05 increments.(C) Bar plots depict average corticostrital connectivity between each cortical network and the different striatal seeds. Error bars indicate standard errors of the mean(D) Quantification of the interaction between pairs of Cortical Network and Group (repeated-measured ANOVA, frontal [FR], somatomotor [SM] and auditory [AUD]), **p < .01, ***p < .001, corrected for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni correction.
AUD – auditory cortex: dorsal (d), primary (p), ventral (v); MO – motor cortex: primary (p), secondary (s); ORBm – medial orbitofrontal cortex; PL – prelimbic cortex; PTLp – posterior parietal association cortex; RSP – retrosplenial cortex; SSp-bfd – barrel-related primary somatosensory cortex; SSs – secondary somatosensory cortex; VIS – visual cortex: anteromedial (am), primary (p).