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. 2019 Aug 6;14:1419–1432. doi: 10.2147/CIA.S209428

Table 2.

Logistic regression analysis of characteristics for PSS in elderly patients (≥65 years)

Variables Univariate analysis for PSS Multivariate analysis for PSS
OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p
 65–75 years 1 (Referent)
 >75 years 0.677 0.353–1.299 0.241
 Male 1 (Referent) 1 (Referent)
 Female 1.832 1.007–3.333 0.048 2.329 1.204–4.503 0.012
White 1 (Referent)
Black 0.405 0.113–1.444 0.163
Other 0.480 0.100–2.291 0.357
Marital status
 Married 1 (Referent)
 Unmarried 1.166 0.632–2.151 0.623
Year of diagnosis
 1973–2009 1 (Referent)
 2010–2015 1.089 0.584–2.033 0.788
Tumor site
 Head 1 (Referent) 1 (Referent)
 Body/tail 3.274 1.570–6.826 0.002 3.780 1.749–8.170 0.001
 Overlap 1.611 0.560–4.638 0.377 1.241 0.418–3.681 0.697
 Other 0.690 0.078–6.142 0.740 0.711 0.077–6.535 0.763
Histological grade
 Well/moderately 1 (Referent) 1 (Referent)
 Poorly/undifferentiated 0.456 0.223–0.934 0.032 0.455 0.215–0.964 0.040
Tumor size
 ≤4 cm 1 (Referent)
 >4 cm 1.399 0.735–2.662 0.485
 Unknown NA

Note: Variables with univariate analysis p<0.1 underwent further multivariate analysis.

Abbreviation: PSS, primary site surgery.