Basic information about all qualified bubbles. Dates and characteristics defining each bubble cycle. For each bubble, we provide the associated timeframe consisting of the bubble start date , its peak date tpeak and the crash end date tce. Crash start dates, which are not listed here, by definition occur one day after the individual peak times. Furthermore, as an absolute measure, Bitcoin prices in US Dollars (rounded to integer numbers) at the individual peak and crash end dates are quoted. The respective durations of the bubbles in days, as well as the bubble and crash sizes (in %) are given in the next three columns. As described in the text, these properties were calculated based on the previously identified bubble timeframes. Moreover, they were calculated based on exact prices (and not based on the rounded ones that are given in this table). The last column in the short bubble part of the table indicates whether a potential bubble passed (Y) or did not pass (N) the bubble filtering conditions defined in the main text.