HSC70 and HSP90 can bind simultaneously to CTA1.
A, HSP90 with 1 mm ATP was perfused over a CTA1-coated SPR sensor at 37 °C. After removing HSP90 from the perfusion buffer (first empty triangle), HSC70 was perfused over the CTA1/HSP90 complex (solid triangle). Removal of HSC70 from the perfusion buffer is indicated by the second empty triangle. Antibody controls confirmed both HSP90 and HSC70 remained associated with CTA1 at the end of the experiment (data not shown). B, CTA1 was perfused over an HSC70-coated SPR sensor at 37 °C. After removing CTA1 from the perfusion buffer (first empty triangle), HSP90 with 1 mm ATP was perfused over the HSC70/CTA1 complex (solid triangle). Removal of HSP90 from the perfusion buffer is denoted by the second empty triangle. Antibody controls confirmed both CTA1 and HSP90 remained associated with the HSC70 sensor at the end of the experiment (data not shown). C, HSP90 with 1 mm ATP was perfused over an HSC70-coated SPR sensor at 37 °C in the absence of CTA1.