Divalent-free induced current in Schwann cells is permeable to both Cs+ and Na+ and similar to TrpC channels.
A, average whole-cell currents recorded from WT rat Schwann cells exposed to +divalents (left, +Ca2+/Mg2+), divalent-free (center, −Ca2+/Mg2+), or divalent-free plus 10 μm Gd3+ (right) solutions. B, average IVs for Gd3+-sensitive for divalent-free (●) and for currents recorded in +Ca2+/Mg2+ solution (○). n = 7. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01. C, average IVs recorded from rat Schwann cells exposed to +divalents (left, +Ca2+/Mg2+) or divalent-free (right, −Ca2+/Mg2+) solution with Na+ (●, n = 6) or Cs+ (□, n = 7) as the main external cation.