Figure 1.
Partial and Complete Unilateral Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Lesions
(A–C) TH-stained horizontal sections of non-lesions (A), partial lesions (B), and complete lesions (C) of the nigrostriatal pathway in adult rat brains. (A) In naive brains, dopaminergic neurons residing in the SN project axons into the striatum (St) through the Nigrostriatal bundle (arrows). (B) One month after unilateral stereotaxic injection of 6 μg 6-OHDA into the Nigrostriatal pathway (NSP) and substantia nigra (SN) (3 μg per site), partial survival of dopaminergic axons in the substantia nigra and axons within the striatum is apparent. (C) One month after injection of a total of 12 μg 6-OHDA (6 μg per site), complete loss of dopaminergic neurons and projection axons is apparent. (D) Rats within the completely lesioned group showed significant increases in d-amphetamine-induced rotations when compared to either baseline or partial-lesioned rats; ANOVA, F(2, 9) = 58.67, p < 0.0001. (E) Using the glass cylinder test, rats in the completely lesioned group showed a significant decrease in right forepaw use when compared to either non-lesioned controls or partial-lesioned rats; ANOVA, F(2, 9) = 52.22, p < 0.0001. Scale bar, 800 μm. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001.