Table 1.
Risk Domain | Criteria for Inclusion |
Emotional | ≥ 4 on any of the following items on the CDRS: Difficulty Having Fun, Social Withdrawal, Irritability, Depressed Feelings, Excessive Weeping, or a T-score of 61 or above on the MASC-10, based on age group (10–11 years, 12–15 year, 16–19 years) using the MASC-10 Profile. |
Behavioral | A SSS score greater than 3.93 for males aged 10–13, greater than 3.19 for females aged 10–13, greater than 4.07 for males aged 14–18, or greater than 3.19 for females aged 14–18 or taking ADHD medication or the KSADS indicating a diagnosis of ADHD or current alcohol or substance abuse assessed with the KSADS. |
Social | A parent rating their child as “worse” than others the participants age on one or more of the social behavior items (Section VI) from the CBCL. |
Cognitive | A parent rating their child as “failing” in one or more academic class from CBCL Section VII. |
Physical | A score of 4 or above on the PHQ-15, six or more days of school absences, or a BMI above the 85th percentile for the participant’s sex and age. |
Note. CDRS = Child Depression Rating Scale (Poznanski et al., 1984), the cutoff is commensurate with “clinical symptoms.” MASC-10 = Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, the cutoff T-score was selected to capture the ‘slightly elevated’ through to the ‘very elevated’ range (March, Sullivan, & Parker, 1999). SSS = Sensation Seeking Scale (Russo et al., 1993), the cutoff correspond to at or above one standard deviation over the normative average (Stephenson, Hoyle, Palmgreen, & Slater, 2003). K-SADS = Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (Kaufman et al., 1997). CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist (Becker, Ramsey, & Byars, 2015), which asks the parent if their child does “worse”, “average”, or “better” than other teens their age or if the teen is “failing”, “below average”, “average” or “above average”. PHQ-15 = Physical Health Questionnaire-15, the cutoff corresponds to ‘minimal somatic symptom severity’ through to the ‘high somatic symptom severity’ range (Kroenke, Spitzer, & Williams, 2002). BMI = Body Mass Index, the cutoff corresponds to 1 standard deviation above the mean.