Physical Functioning |
Physical Improvements |
‘She is more mobile than when we started.’ (Robert, Group B, final reflection) |
‘Last week, he started to trip and was able to catch himself. He appears to have quicker reflexes, especially lateral movements.’ (Linda, Group A, letter of support) |
Muscle Memory |
‘I was amazed at the value of the muscle memory but was not quite sure how to put 2 & 2 together until my husband fell and broke his femur. On queue he could figure out to get in and out of bed as well as getting in and out of the car and picking himself up from the floor after playing with our dog… It proved that this muscle memory is like an angel sitting on our shoulders. This would have NEVER happened without the PLIÉ program.’ (Patricia, Community Class, letter of support) |
Physical Problems |
‘Mom had some unwell feelings right after class. That night she also complained of a pain in her neck at the base of the skull. Wondering how much the classwork contributing to this.’ (Susan, Group A, week 5) |
Cognitive Functioning |
Cognitive Improvement |
‘He finished two crosswords completely (this was never done prior).’ (Mary, Group A, week 4) |
Mindfulness |
‘I have to think that anything that contributes to mindfulness on my wife’s part helps bring her out of the fog in which she seems so often to be lost.’ (James, Community Class, letter of support) |
Ability to Learn |
‘My mother in law had a stroke and she was not accepting that she could not do certain things that most of us take for granted. The class has helped her see that certain things that we need to do every day were hard for her at first but that if she would pay attention to what and how she was doing things that she could do it.’ (John, Group A, letter of support) |
Ability to Benefit |
‘[Person with dementia] cannot mentally and purposefully use what she learns in class.’ (Susan, Group A, week 3) |
Variable Attention |
‘seemed more alert [during Paired PLIÉ]’ (Linda, daily practice log, week 1) |
‘does better at home without cushions on chair - where I can have his attention so doesn’t fall asleep’ (Linda, daily practice log, week 5). |
‘[Paired PLIÉ] has contributed to his sense of well-being, functionality and contentment in whatever dimension his mind is on a given day’ (Linda, community class, letter of support). |
Social/Emotional |
Enjoyment |
‘[The benefit of the program was] primarily emotional - she looked forward eagerly to attending, and usually the hour had a productive residual effect on the rest of her day.’ (Robert, Group B, final reflection) |
‘Partner enjoys the class - participates, attentive, likes the music and participants and teachers. Happy here.’ (Barbara, final reflection)