Figure 3.
(a,b) Schematic drawings of linear multielectrode probes and examples of single units simultaneously recorded in PT (a) and ST (b). For each neuron, the gap in the histogram and rastergram is used to indicate that the activity on the left side has been aligned on object presentation (light onset - first vertical dashed line in the left panel), whereas the activity on the right side is aligned on detachment of the monkey’s hand from the starting position (reaching onset - second vertical dashed line in the right panel) of the same trial. The gray shaded areas represent the time windows used for statistical analysis of neuronal response. (c,d) Time course and intensity of the firing rate of the neuronal populations showing selectivity for the type of object during PT (at the left) and ST (at the right) relative to the best (red) and worst (grey) object, in the Go (above) and No-go (below) conditions. The activity is aligned to object presentation (light onset - vertical line on the left), and reaching onset in the Go condition (detachment of the monkey’s hand from the starting position - vertical line on the right), as well as to the sound off in the No-go condition (vertical line on the right). The red and grey shaded regions around each curve represent 1 SE. Upward and downward arrows indicate the time when the population response to the best object became - or ceased to be - significantly different from baseline, respectively (sliding t-test in 200 ms bins performed in steps of 20 ms, p < 0.05, corrected, for at least 3 consecutive bins from −80 to + 700 relative to object presentation). (e,f) Frequency distribution of preference indexes (PIs) for visually presented objects during Go (e) and No-go (f) conditions of both tasks (ST - blue; PT - green). *t-tests p < 0.05.