Table 1.
Overview of selected published and ongoing trials investigating (combination) treatments for chronic phase CML.
Published trials | Ongoing trials | |
TKI/interferon combinations | ||
Bosutinib + pegylated interferon-alpha | NCT03831776 | |
Dasatinib + pegylated interferon-alpha | Phase II (12) | |
Imatinib + (pegylated)-interferon-alpha | Phase III (13–16) | |
Nilotinib + pegylated interferon-alpha | Phase II (17) | NCT01657604 |
NCT02201459 | ||
TKI/chemotherapy combinations | ||
Imatinib + hydroxyurea | Phase II (18) | |
Imatinib + cytarabine | Phase III (15, 16, 19) | |
Imatinib + HHT/omacetaxine | Phase II (20) | |
HHT/omacetaxine alone | Phase II (20–22) | |
Novel TKI inhibitor Asciminib | NCT03595917 | |
NCT02081378 | ||
NCT03106779 | ||
Immune modulation | ||
Dendritic cell vaccinations | Phase I/II (23, 24) | |
Leukemia associated antigen vaccinations | Phase I/II (25, 26) | |
Immune checkpoint inhibitors | ||
Nivolumab + dasatinib | NCT02011945 | |
Avelumab + various TKI | NCT02767063 | |
PPAR-γ agonists (thiazolidinediones) | Phase II (27) | NCT02767063 |
DPPIV inhibitors (gliptins) | 2017-000899-28 |