Figure 4.
(a) Illustrated fabrication scheme of the nanopatterned surface of the block copolymer (BCP) TEG. The right panels show SEM images of BCP nanopatterned surface established by various self-assembly conditions. Reprinted with permission from [77]. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society. (b) Schematics of nanograting replication process onto a flexible plastic substrate using ultraviolet (UV)-curable resin. The right panel is the photograph of the wafer-scale and uniform nanograting replica onto the flexible plastic substrate. The inset is the SEM image of the ultra-long and defect-free nanograting pattern of the replica on the flexible substrate. Reprinted with permission from [79]. Copyright 2017 Elsevier. (c) Schematics and SEM image of the interlocked TEG (i-TEG). Reprinted with permission from [95]. Copyright 2016 Elsevier.