Figure 5. Residual internal pressure accounts for current amplitude in soft and stiff worms.
(A) Experimental data (dots) and the average theoretical prediction (lines) for force-indentation relations. Best fit of pooled data for soft worms gives = 1.6 kPa; individual values are variable, with estimated in the range 0.04–16kPa. (B) The vertical deformation profiles vs the position along the longitudinal axis for stiff (red) and soft (blue) animals. Note the widely differing profiles for the force-clamped curves. (C) Experimental (dots) and theoretical (mean value as continuous lines) peak current for force (top) and displacement-clamped (bottom) stimuli. The current is normalized by the mean peak in soft and stiff worms, respectively. (D) Peak current vs the pressure , which shows that the model (continuous lines are the mean; dot-dashed lines are above/below one standard deviation) captures experimental trends (dots). Experimental data reproduced from Eastwood et al. (2015) and Eastwood et al. (2019) and derived from 4 and 21 recordings in the stiff (red) and soft (blue) conditions, respectively.