Figure 2.
Membrane tube deformation induced by chiral protein rods with direct attraction between rods. (a) Protein model. (b–e) Snapshots of membrane tubes at Rcyl/rrod = 1.31. (b) ε/kBT = 2 and (c) 2.5 at Crodrrod = 2.25 and N = 4800. (d) ε/kBT = 1.5 and (e) 2 at Crodrrod = 2 and N = 9600. (f) Phase diagram for rod assembly of the elliptical tube and helical-cylinder shape. The open circles (triangles) and squares (diamonds) represent the elliptical and helical tubes at Rcyl/rrod = 1.18 (1.31) for N = 4800, respectively. The closed circles and squares are for N = 9600 at both Rcyl/rrod = 1.18 and 1.31. The dashed lines indicate the phase boundary.