Fig 3.
The Kaplan-Meier survival curves of the activated-Shh-pathway group and the integrated model group. Patients with Gli1high and SMOhigh were classified in the activated-Shh-pathwaystrong group; all others were assigned to the activated-Shh-pathwayweak group. A) Overall survival curves based on the level of activation of the Shh pathway. B) Recurrence-free survival curves based on the level of activation of the Shh pathway. The integrated model group consists of three subgroups: group I, activated-Shh-pathwayweak/SMAD4intact; group II, activated pathwayweak/SMAD4lost or activated-Shh-pathwaystrong/SMAD4intact; group III, with activated-Shh-pathwaystrong /SMAD4lost. C) Overall survival curves based on the integrated model subgroups. D) Recurrence-free survival curves based on the integrated model subgroups. 'p' values were calculated by log-rank test.