Fig. 7.
This figure shows the effect of modulating the self-inhibition of each of the four subpopulations (in the absence of afferent or experimental input). Each row shows the autospectra from each of the four populations (spiny stellate, superficial pyramidal, inhibitory interneurons and deep pyramidal cells respectively) over a log scaling from −2 to +2. The left panels show the resulting autospectra from 0 to 96 Hz, while the right panels show the same data in image format. These suggest that increasing the self-inhibition of spiny stellate cells rapidly suppresses alpha activity and increases the frequency of gamma activity until a bifurcation at a peak gamma activity of about 80 Hz. This phase transition is seen even earlier as the self-inhibition of superficial pyramidal cells increases, with a peak gamma of about 42 Hz. The effects of increasing self-inhibition of inhibitory interneurons and deep pyramidal cells are to suppress alpha activity and convert it into fast activity. See main text for further discussion.