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. 2018 Dec 18;48(4):1073–1082. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy269

Table 1.

Characteristics of study participants (cases and controls) enrolled in the Environmental risk factors In MS (EnvIMS) Study

Participant characteristics Cases (n = 2251) Controls (n = 4028)
Country of residence, % (n)
 Canada 26.1 (587) 24.3 (978)
 Italy 31.4 (707) 33.1 (1333)
 Norway 42.5 (957) 42.6 (1717)
Age at study (years), mean (SD, range) 41.9 (10.7, 18–80) 44.4 (11.5, 18–86)
MS disease duration (years) mean (SD, range) 6.5 (2.8, 0–11) n/a
Sex, % female (n) 69.4 (1563) 70.3 (2832)
Ethnicity (Canada and Norway only), % (n)
 At least one parent is European 94.0 (1451) 93.0 (2507)
 Both parents non-European 3.2 (50) 4.9 (132)
 Missing 2.8 (43) 2.1 (56)
Participant education, % (n)
 Less than high school 12.0 (271) 8.9 (357)
 Completed high school 29.5 (663) 27.0 (1088)
 Post-secondary education 51.4 (1158) 54.5 (2195)
 Missing 7.1 (159) 9.6 (388)
Highest level of education of parents, % (n)
 Less than high school 52.1 (1172) 54.5 (2195)
 Completed high school 19.1 (429) 18.7 (755)
 Post-secondary education 20.0 (451) 17.4 (700)
 Missing 8.8 (199) 9.4 (378)
Number of siblings, % (n)
 Only child 5.0 (203) 6.4 (143)
 1 28.3 (1139) 30.0 (675)
 2 27.5 (1109) 29.0 (652)
 3 16.4 (662) 15.7 (353)
 4 8.8 (353) 7.7 (173)
 5 5.1 (206) 3.6 (80)
 6+ 8.0 (324) 6.1 (138)
 Missing 1.6 (37) 0.8 (32)
Physical activity age 13–19 years, % (n)
 Light and heavy physical activity 84.3 (1897) 85.3 (3441)
 Light physical activity only 8.4 (189) 7.4 (296)
 No physical activity 2.8 (63) 2.6 (103)
 Missing 4.5 (102) 4.7 (188)
Mother smoked during childhood, % (n)
 Yes 44.6 (1004) 41.2 (1660)
 No 52.2 (1175) 56.3 (2266)
 Missing 3.2 (72) 2.5 (102)
Father smoked during childhood, % (n)
 Yes 59.6 (1342) 59.2 (2386)
 No 36.8 (829) 37.9 (1525)
 Missing 3.6 (80) 2.9 (117)
Body shape at age 5 years
 Mean (SD, range) 2.4 (1.5, 1–9) 2.3 (1.5, 1–8)
 Missing, % (n) 7.3 (164) 7, 1 (287)
Body shape at age 10 years
 Mean (SD, range) 2.6 (1.5, 1–9) 2.4 (1.5, 1–9)
 Missing, % (n) 7.0 (158) 6.5 (262)
Body shape at age 15 years
 Mean (SD, range) 2.9 (1.4, 1–9) 2.7 (1.4, 1–8)
 Missing, % (n) 6.3 (142) 6.0 (242)
Mononucleosis infection before age 15 years, % (n)
 0–5 years 0.4 (10) 0.2 (7)
 6–10 years 1.4 (31) 0.6 (25)
 11–15 years 5.4 (121) 2.2 (90)
Outdoor allergies before age 15 years, % (n)
 0–5 years 2.2 (49) 2.0 (79)
 6–10 years 5.3 (119) 4.6 (185)
 11–15 years 8.3 (186) 7.0 (280)
Indoor allergies before age 15 years, % (n)
 0–5 years 1.9 (43) 1.6 (64)
 6–10 years 4.0 (89) 3.3 (131)
 11–15 years 5.5 (124) 4.8 (192)
Autoimmune disease before age 15 years (not including MS), % (n)
 0–5 years 1.0 (22) 0.7 (27)
 6–10 years 1.5 (34) 1.3 (54)
 11–15 years 2.0 (45) 1.8 (74)