Country of residence, % (n) |
Canada |
26.1 (587) |
24.3 (978) |
Italy |
31.4 (707) |
33.1 (1333) |
Norway |
42.5 (957) |
42.6 (1717) |
Age at study (years), mean (SD, range) |
41.9 (10.7, 18–80) |
44.4 (11.5, 18–86) |
MS disease duration (years) mean (SD, range) |
6.5 (2.8, 0–11) |
n/a |
Sex, % female (n) |
69.4 (1563) |
70.3 (2832) |
Ethnicity (Canada and Norway only), % (n) |
At least one parent is European |
94.0 (1451) |
93.0 (2507) |
Both parents non-European |
3.2 (50) |
4.9 (132) |
Missing |
2.8 (43) |
2.1 (56) |
Participant education, % (n) |
Less than high school |
12.0 (271) |
8.9 (357) |
Completed high school |
29.5 (663) |
27.0 (1088) |
Post-secondary education |
51.4 (1158) |
54.5 (2195) |
Missing |
7.1 (159) |
9.6 (388) |
Highest level of education of parents, % (n) |
Less than high school |
52.1 (1172) |
54.5 (2195) |
Completed high school |
19.1 (429) |
18.7 (755) |
Post-secondary education |
20.0 (451) |
17.4 (700) |
Missing |
8.8 (199) |
9.4 (378) |
Number of siblings, % (n) |
Only child |
5.0 (203) |
6.4 (143) |
1 |
28.3 (1139) |
30.0 (675) |
2 |
27.5 (1109) |
29.0 (652) |
3 |
16.4 (662) |
15.7 (353) |
4 |
8.8 (353) |
7.7 (173) |
5 |
5.1 (206) |
3.6 (80) |
6+ |
8.0 (324) |
6.1 (138) |
Missing |
1.6 (37) |
0.8 (32) |
Physical activity age 13–19 years, % (n) |
Light and heavy physical activity |
84.3 (1897) |
85.3 (3441) |
Light physical activity only |
8.4 (189) |
7.4 (296) |
No physical activity |
2.8 (63) |
2.6 (103) |
Missing |
4.5 (102) |
4.7 (188) |
Mother smoked during childhood, % (n) |
Yes |
44.6 (1004) |
41.2 (1660) |
No |
52.2 (1175) |
56.3 (2266) |
Missing |
3.2 (72) |
2.5 (102) |
Father smoked during childhood, % (n) |
Yes |
59.6 (1342) |
59.2 (2386) |
No |
36.8 (829) |
37.9 (1525) |
Missing |
3.6 (80) |
2.9 (117) |
Body shape at age 5 years |
Mean (SD, range) |
2.4 (1.5, 1–9) |
2.3 (1.5, 1–8) |
Missing, % (n) |
7.3 (164) |
7, 1 (287) |
Body shape at age 10 years |
Mean (SD, range) |
2.6 (1.5, 1–9) |
2.4 (1.5, 1–9) |
Missing, % (n) |
7.0 (158) |
6.5 (262) |
Body shape at age 15 years |
Mean (SD, range) |
2.9 (1.4, 1–9) |
2.7 (1.4, 1–8) |
Missing, % (n) |
6.3 (142) |
6.0 (242) |
Mononucleosis infection before age 15 years, % (n) |
0–5 years |
0.4 (10) |
0.2 (7) |
6–10 years |
1.4 (31) |
0.6 (25) |
11–15 years |
5.4 (121) |
2.2 (90) |
Outdoor allergies before age 15 years, % (n) |
0–5 years |
2.2 (49) |
2.0 (79) |
6–10 years |
5.3 (119) |
4.6 (185) |
11–15 years |
8.3 (186) |
7.0 (280) |
Indoor allergies before age 15 years, % (n) |
0–5 years |
1.9 (43) |
1.6 (64) |
6–10 years |
4.0 (89) |
3.3 (131) |
11–15 years |
5.5 (124) |
4.8 (192) |
Autoimmune disease before age 15 years (not including MS), % (n) |
0–5 years |
1.0 (22) |
0.7 (27) |
6–10 years |
1.5 (34) |
1.3 (54) |
11–15 years |
2.0 (45) |
1.8 (74) |