Figure 8. Kinetics of ORC-13661 block.
Mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) currents measured in response to fluid-jet step stimuli in the presence and absence of ORC-13661. Saturating excitatory and inhibitory step stimuli (±40 V driver voltage shown above each trace; DV) were delivered to mid-coil outer hair cells (OHCs) in a 2-day-old culture prepared from a P2 mouse before and during exposure to 0.3 μM (A) and 3 μM (B) ORC-13661 from a holding potential of –84 mV. Opening of the MET channels resulted in rapidly activating inward currents. Control currents (black traces) and currents during ORC-13661 block (red traces) have been superimposed to compare the kinetic information. In all cases, minimal current inactivation is observed during the steps, with no differences seen in offset kinetics. Cell capacitances were 7.1 pF (A) and 8.0 pF (B). Similar results were obtained from all OHCs examined (n = 7 at 0.3 μM; n = 2 at 3 μM). Experiments were performed at room temperature (20°C–22°C).